Research Group 2010-2011

Dr. Kaustava Bhattacharyya


Avram Buchbinder

Joint with Professor Franz Geiger


Alon Danon

Joint with Professor Peter Stair


Alex Peroff

Joint with Professor Richard Van Duyne


I'm starting my second year in graduate school as a joint student between Professor Eric Weitz and Rick Van Duyne. I'm originally from New Jersey, and went to Bowdoin College for my undergraduate degree. At Bowdoin I did research with Professor Laura Voss studying surface reactions of self assembled monolayers as a way to model marine aerosols in the atmosphere. After graduating from Bowdoin I worked as an analytical chemist at Robertson Microlit Labs in Madison, New Jersey, performing CHN analysis, IR spectroscopy, UV/Vis, and polarimetry. My current research interests involve using electrochemistry and spectroscopy to investigate the mechanism of CO2 reduction to methane, methanol, or higher order hydrocarbons in catalytic systems. I believe that by better understanding the fundamental mechanism of the reduction, we can rationally design catalysts to optimize the reduction process. My hobbies include, squash, biking, martial arts, and working out.


Dr. Hong Xie

Joint with Professor Ken Poeppelmeier


Research: catalyst synthesis, surface science and reaction engineering
Joined Group: Winter 2010
College Attended: University of South Carolina (Ph.D.)


Dr. Jing Zhang


Permanent Position:

School of Chemistry and Material Sciences
Liaoning Shihua University
Fushun, Liaoning, China

2001-2007:PhD degree from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2007: Liaoning Shihua University
Research interests: Photocatalysis, Enviromental catalysis
Synthesis, characterization, and control of surface phase of multi-phase metal oxides and application in solar energy utilization and environmental catalysis
2010: Postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University
Research interest: The mechanism and kinetic study of decomposition of
hexoses (fructose, glucose) in aqueous medium